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what we believe


We believe that the entire Old Testament and New Testament are verbally inspired of God, inerrant and the final authority of Faith and Practice. 


We believe in one God who is eternal and the Creator of all things, including man; and Who exists as the Trinity, being in the Persons of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 


We believe in Jesus Christ who was born of a virgin named Mary and was the Incarnate God; also referred to as the God-man.


We believe in the Holy Spirit who is the third Person of the Trinity and was sent into the world by the Father and the Son. 


We believe the Holy Spirit instantly and permanently indwells in the believer the moment he puts his faith in Jesus Christ. 


We believe man was created in the image of God and that Adam's sin is the cause of humanity's condemnation before God. Man is not in need of salvation from the guilt of sin.


We believe in the vicarious death of Jesus Christ for man's sins and that He rose bodily from the dead.  All who believe this in their heart about Jesus Christ are justified before God and freed from their sins.


We believe in the Personal, Imminent, Pretribulational and Premillennial return of Jesus Christ, first to receive His own at the "Rapture" and later to set up His kingdom on earth.


statement of destiny


​It is the destiny of Woman of Strength Ministry Inc to encourage and challenge women of God to examine their walk and their relationship with the Lord. In doing so, they will begin to study God's word inductively, not only to gain knowledge, but also to apply God's principles to their lives resulting in a life-lasting change. 


"So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Ephesians 5:17 


Life-lasting change will cause women to come forth as a "Woman of Strength" fully devoted to the Lord, walking in His power made available to them through the anointing.

​© 2023 Woman of Strength Ministry, Inc.     

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